Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

By Asad Russel –

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia:
On the Lake Tana the Bahir Dar is located, for the Blue Nile the source, with wide avenues of flowers and palms an Ethiopian town is the Bahir Dar. The selection of the Ethiopian Christian monasteries is the main attraction of the Bahir Dar on the some 20 of Lake Tana’s 37 islands which are found. By the fairly comfortable boat ride and a convenient they can be reached which regularly leaves.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

From the 16th and 17th centuries date from most of the Bahir Dar monasteries and since their founding have changed little. From the lives of the saints and from the Bible decorated with colorful scenes they are the simple huts. To the Bet Maryam and Ura Kidane Mihret monasteries is home the Zega Peninsula. Among the monasteries is one of the most visited the former. Three concentric circles consists the round building, the monastery’s replica containing of the Ark the Holy of the Holies which is the innermost. In bright paintings the walls are covered, violent martyrdom depict many of them. An interesting treasury or museum has the Bet Maryam.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

To Kibran Gebriel is home another island, by men only which can be visited and nearby to a different island monastery will be taken the female visitors. Filled with old crosses, crowns and manuscripts an interesting museum it has also. The Blue Nile Falls is the other attraction of the Bahir Dar, out of town is about an hour ride.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

The Debre Birhan Selassie Church, Gondar, Ethiopia:
For the beautiful examples of the Ethiopian church art the Debre Birhan Selassie Church is famous which located in Gondar. By an emperor was built and by an archangel was preserved, of Ethiopia among the most important churches it is also remains.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

In the 17th century by the Emperor Eyasu II as the Birhan Seged which means ‘The light bows he to whom’ who also known was built the Debre Birhan Selassie Church. In Shewa of the same name in honor of the church as well as after the Emperor’s nickname it was named Debre Birhan which means ‘Mountain of the Light’.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

In Shewa at the Debre Birhan Church, during the reign of Emperor Zera Yacob the Great in the Middle Ages is said to have occurred of the Holy Light of God a miraculous apparition. Using its name for the right in exchange, an annual tribute paid the Shewan church the Gondar church.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

In 1988 the city of Gondar sacked when of the Sudan the Mahdist Dervishes, except the Debre Birhan Selassie Church in the city every church they burned down. To the church when approached the Mahdist soldiers, on the compound of the church a swarm of bees and the soldiers back kept, and with a flaming sword drawn before the large wooden gates stood himself the Archangel Michael, according to the local legends.

Bahir Dar & Debre Birhan Selassie Church: Two visitor’s attraction in Ethiopia

Rather is plain the outside of the Debre Birhan Selassie Church, but one of the Ethiopia’s top visitor’s attractions has made it the interior work. Biblical scenes and saints depict the walls and with the faces of hundreds of angels the ceiling is covered. With halos three identical men the icons of the Holy Trinity and to the Holy of Holies above the entrance have pride of place the Crucifixion. On the ceremonies would look down from which the Emperor Eyasu II and his mother the Empress Mentewab of the second story stall are the curtained windows above the floor of the church.

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