Friday, April 3, 2015


Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

By Asad Russel – 

About the Basilica of the Holy Blood, Bruges, Belgium:
A venerated relic of Christ houses in Bruges the Basilica of the Holy Blood, very blood of him, by the Joseph of Arimathea which collected.

Basilica of the Holy Blood Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

The history of the Basilica of the Holy Blood:
From 1256 dates the Holy Blood in Bruges to mention the first historical record. From Constantinople it came to be that seems the real story, one of the Holy Blood including of relics an extensive collection had which.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

During the fourth Crusade in 1204 of the Count of Flanders Baldwin IX by the Crusader army was sacked the Constantinople. The Holy Blood probably sent the Baldwin IX, from the Byzantines looted, shortly thereafter to Bruges. In Constantinople an origin also suggests is cut the rock crystal vial in which the manner.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

The myth and mystery of Basilica of the Holy Blood:
That has it the legend that the Crucifixion after, of Christ from the body wiped blood Joseph of Arimathea and the cloth preserved. Until the second Crusade in the Holy Land remained the relic, when to his brother-in-law the Diederik van de Elzas Count of Flanders gave it Baldwin III the King of Jerusalem. In 1150 on April 7 in Bruges with it arrived the count and on Burg Square he had built in a chapel placed it.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

At the Basilica of the Holy Blood what to see:
In the Burg Square on a back corner located the snugly, an upper Gothic chapel and a lower Romanesque chapel consists of the Basilica of the Holy Blood. More different could not be the two levels, with the very little decoration is austere the lower Romanesque level, while with detail and color is alive the upper Gothic level.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

By a brick staircase of monumental are connected the two chapels, facing the square behind the grand façade which runs. In the Renaissance style in 1533 were built the façade and the stairs, but during the occupation of French demolished. In the 19th century they were rebuilt.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

Represent Archduchess Isabelle, Derek and Philip Alsace, and Mary of Burgundy on the façade the gilded statues. Depicts the Maximilian of Austria and the Archdukes Albert, Sybil of Anjou and Margaret of York, mother of Philip of Alsace and wife of Derrick.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

The Chapel of St. Basil the lower chapel, in West Flanders the only Romanesque church, of the 12th century the first half dating from. Count of Alsace from 1128 to 1168 by the Derrick it was built and to St. Basil the Great dedicated of the Greek theologian which dates 379 to house a relics during the Crusades from Caesarea brought back.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

An apse and choir, side aisles which is tiny, a short nave has the chapel. The baptism of St. Basil depicting from the 12th century tympanum has a small sculpted with the nave the right aisle the doorway connecting. Behind the glass displayed of the Madonna and Child a polychrome statue also contains the right aisle.

Basilica of the Holy Blood: Basilica with the holy relics of Christ

In 1504 added the Chapel of Saint Yves is the left of the choir. Charles the Good as well as of Saint Basil it shelters the relics, who was assassinated the Count of Flanders. From the 16th century is the altarpiece of the black marble.

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