Friday, December 12, 2014


Beautiful and Mysterious ruins: Ephesus and Teotihuacan Pyramids

By asad russel - 

Ephesus, Turkey

If you want to visit a place about 2,000 years ago and want to get the feeling of Greek and Roman Empire's time then Ephesus is the right place to visit. Perhaps this place is better among the Roman cities. The "Letter to the Ephesians" was written to the Ephesus citizens which known as the New Testament of St Paul. It is believed that the Gospel of St John was written here and in the St John Basilica have been buried. It is also believed that the last days on the earth of Virgin Mary was spent in this place. In the south from this place of a Ephesus archaeological site on a mountaintop you can visit the House of Virgin Mary which reconstructed for the visitors.

In the Mediterranean region among the ancient Roman cities the best-preserved Roman city is the Ephesus and along the Istanbul and Cappadocia this place is one of the Turkey top visiting place. But around this area there are more visiting places remains Selcuk, Isa Bey Mosque, Byzantine-Ottoman fortress etc. From the Ephesus archeological site the Selcuk town is 3 km (2 miles) away heading in the east. On the Ayasoluk Hill foot this town lies. In the top of Ayasoluk there is the Byzantine-Ottoman fortess and in the slop of this hill there are the Isa Bey Mosque and the St John Basilica. Below these sites there is the famous Artemision the Ephesus Museum holds the treasures which found during the time of excavation.

 On Saturday a big weekly market sits in Selcuk although this market has a rival which is the famous weekly market at Tire. There are good sunny beaches in Altinkum, Kusadasi and in pamucak. For winsurfing to the Charming Alacati and for the beach you can take a whole day trip. On a flying day trip from Istanbul you can see the archeological site of Ephesus from the sky. On a day excursion by visiting the ancient cities of Miletus, Priene and Didyma, by visiting the Aphrodisias, taking a hot mineral spa from Pamukkale and via Euromos to Bodrum taking a overnight excursion or a day trip, in this area you can easily pass two, three, four or more days.

About 30 years ago this place was a forgotten Roman ruin which was located in a populated Turkish village. But the local economy is driven by this place. Every year more than 2 million people come here to visit this amazing place according to the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

Teotihuacan Pyramids, Mexico

Like the Egyptian Pyramids in Mexico there are some mysterious Pyramid which called the Teotihuacan Pyramids located just north of the Mexico city. Around 300 B.C. the process of construction of these Pyramid was began of an enormous city as the centerpiece. This city was often compared with the ancient Roman city, Rome. Before the arrival of the Aztecs civilization inexplicably abandoned centuries they were, and they called this ancient architectural masterpiece as the "Birthplace of the Gods".

The ancient and the modern archaeologists have been unable to open the secrets of these massive Pyramids, by the third largest Pyramids presided over. According to the precise astronomical measurements these Pyramids were built and with the sacrificial victims bodies filled the inside of these structures. Probably to keep the end of the earth at bay bloody rituals were performed in this place. But the real truth about these Pyramids no one knows.

For these reasons in the North America it is one of the most impressive, archaeological and enigmatic mysterious site, and to explore this mystery every year about 1.9 million people come here to visit according to the SIIMT Inteligencia de Mercados. With detailed and rich stone statues, and fade paintings the humbling temples are still covered. This ancient Plaza is Dominate by the Sun and Moon Pyramids, on a side it is 250 yards wide and the height is 200 feet. In the world the Pyramid of the Sun is the third largest Pyramid, but the most decorated structure is the Temple of Quetzalcoatl which was dedicated to the serpent God and this can be known by the prominently figures of its reliefs and sculptures. 

 For the visitors there are many ways to explore this place such as Teotihuacan Pyramids hot air balloon tour, with a private archaeologist early morning tour, with an archaeologist day trip from Mexico to Teotihuacan, dinner with a local family after the Teotihuacan Pyramids visit by metro etc. 

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