Saturday, December 20, 2014


Montezuma Castle National Monument, Arizona: Best preserved cliff dwelling of America

By asad russel -

About Montezuma Castle National Monument
In the north central Arizona one of a number of well-preserved ancient dwelling has the Montezuma Castle which includes the national monuments of Tonto, Walnut canyon, Tuzigoot and Wupatki. Montezuma Castle is the most spectacular probably which recess in a white limestone cliff above the ground about 70 feet into 5 story structure built and an imposing of 20 room. In origin the ruins thought to be Aztec when first discovered, by early explores on them hence the name bestowed. But before abandoning the area between the twelfth and fourteen centuries to the Sinagua Indian people who farmed the land of surroundings to belong are not known. Due to the part of their protected location, shield from the sun and rain and also in1906 as a national monument early designation of the site relatively is the cause to the good state of the ruins preservation.
Montezuma Well and Paths
Seven mile northeast from the Montezuma Castle National Monument a separate part of it lies, the Montezuma Well, by the collapse of a large underground cavern formed 55 feet deep sink hole of flooded limestone. Though the admission fee for the main site is $5 for adult and for a combination ticket $8 the admission to the well is free, but the ticket has needed for the entry to the Tuzigoot National Monument. From exit I-17 the well is reached, through scattered dwelling along a winding route. By underground springs the water level in the well is maintained the whole year, so for the local Indians to live near the lake was an obvious place. Around the area various ruins scattered.
The National Monument for the visitors
From I-17 just two miles is located the castle that winds across flat scrubland at the end of a side road and formed by Beaver Creek which is a small stream into the wooden valley down, but all year round a reliable source of water and to establish a home for the Sinagua such as good locality. With a small museum and bookstore the National Monument has a visitor center, from where leads past the ruins a short of paved natural trail, from the approach road which are not visible, alongside the creek then loops back. There is a much less well preserved complex which named Castle B from the main ruins about 50 feet west, also on several levels a few more rudimentary rooms consisting. Semi cultivated is the path the surrounding land, planted with some local plants and some cacti’s good example. Near the visitor center there is a picnic site, overlooking the creek in the shade of large sycamore trees. Due to the unstable condition to climb up to the ruins visitors have not permitted since 1951, so rather than walk to the loop trail and capture some photographs to do there is not much things but definitely worth a visit this site. From the path exploration away is not permitted.
Short preview
Every year around 573,731 tourist come to visit the Montezuma Castle National Monument in Arizona. There are ruins of Aztec ruler from the central Mexico and many of them have the T shaped doorways which drafts out and kept the heat constructed about 800 years ago and America’s one of the best preserved cliff dwelling.

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