Monday, December 15, 2014


Stonehenge: Prehistoric amazing archaeological site

By asad russel -

About Stonehenge

In the Southern England of upright stones there is a mysterious and prehistoric circle which is the Stonehenge. Around 5,000 years ago the construction work of this great monument was began and around 4,000 years ago put in this place where still today the famous stones stands.

Every year 1.1 million visitors visits this great age, mysterious and massive Stonehenge and at this mystical and ancient site to watch the sunrise during the summer solstice several thousand visitors gathered. On the summer solstice with the sunrise perfectly almost the stones are aligned and as a spectacular place for the worship Stonehenge was built, it is unquestioned almost also.

Although it predates any of the known religion of today about the faith of the Stonehenge builders, for the Neopangans as the Druids who identify themselves or Celtic paganism’s other forms this place has become a site for worship and pilgrimage. With New Age devotee at the site who report powerful energies is also very popular.


The current site what we see now it’s only a part of the original Stonehenge. Over the millennia the original construction and the rocks a great deal has suffered both from human pillage and from the weather. The primary excavation of this site done since 1919 and since 1950 especially.

In three main stage the construction work of Stonehenge was carried out, the archaeologist believed that and which have been leveled as the Stonehenge l, Stonehenge ll and Stonehenge lll.

Using deer antlers as picks by digging a circular ditch began the construction of Stonehenge l by the native Neolithic people of England. In diameter the circle is 320 feet and 20 feet is the ditch width which is 7 feet in depth. Just inside the outer circle to build a steep bank they used the chalky rubble which taken from the ditch. Known as the Aubrey holes they dug 56 shallow holes inside the bank circle. At the entrance to the circle were erected two parallel stones finally, among them one of still survives which is the Slaughter Stone. The two Station Stones also surviving. About 500 years Stonehenge was used and abandoned then.

Around 2100 B.C. began the construction of Stonehenge ll, within the ditch circles and the original bank the bluestones which was a semicircle of granite stones was assembled in that phase. Nearly 250 miles away in South Wales from the Preseli Mountains the first blue stone came. The number of them are 80 and up to 4 tons each is the weight. It is not known that how they transported this stones. With the midsummer sunrise is aligned to a semicircle of bluestones to the second entrance.

Stonehenge lll is still visible today and that is the stone circle about 2000 B.C. which was started. On the upright sarsen stones a circle was constructed by the builders, with a stone lintel which was topped of each pair. On top to create a complete circle the lintels are curved. Originally 30 upright stones there were and still stand 17 of these. 20 miles to the north from the Marlborough the stones came from, each stone is 7 feet tall and weight is 50 tons.

From Stonehenge ll about 20 bluestones were gathered and inside the sarsen horseshoe in a horseshoe shape were placed about a century after. About the 1500 B.C. occurred some shuffling and digging of holes around the bluestones. Among the surviving newly arranged bluestones the Altar Stone is the biggest.

Visiting places at Stonehenge

In the Wiltshire countryside in a grassy field Stonehenge stands, and since its construction time over the millennia the site must have been a highly atmospheric site. A great deal of this atmosphere unfortunately has lost from this site in the modern time, to the inevitable tourist infrastructure and to the two major highways intersection which is nearby from the site, thanks. Far superior is the Avebury to Stonehenge in this regard.

No matter where it is, it would impress the visitor such a magnificent monument is the Stonehenge. In England Stonehenge is the most popular sight because of the mystery which surround with its original purpose, in construction the great labor and care, the stones astonishing beauty and scale. Indeed this site is mysterious the reason is the site is under a stormy sky, a rainbow, a full moon, a fresh snowfall or on the summer solstice the rising sun.

From the monument across the highway begins a visit to Stonehenge, at the Visitor’s Center which is large and runs efficiently. As well as the admission for parking there is a fee, an option audioguide is includes with that. Under the highway there is a pedestrian passageway which leads to the Stonehenge itself. Except on the summer solstice to approach the stones visitors are no longer allowed for the reason of conservation bur on a special tour or by appointment can be arranged the access.

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