Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The magnificent Roman Colosseum and the Roman Forum

By asad russel - 

Roman Colosseum:

Among the ancient civilization of the world the Roman civilization was one of the greatest civilization. This civilization built a huge empire throughout the Europe, Africa and Asia. This empire riches our history and give the people of today’s world many visiting places as an example the Colosseum. Probably the Colosseum is the most amazing construction of the Roman Empire. For that era Colosseum was the largest building and commonly known as the Flavian Amphitheater.

Even today this huge structure is a beautiful sight to the visitors though this monument of Roman Empire has fallen into ruins day by day with its ages. In 72 AD, the founder of the Flavian Dynasty Emperor Vespasin actually started the construction process of the Colosseum. After one year of the Emperor Vespasin death the construction work was ended in 80 AD. On the site of an artificial lake this huge structure was built. This artificial lake was the part of a huge park which known as Nero’s park in the center of Rome. This park was included the Golden House known as Domus Aurea and there was a statue of Colossus.

This huge structure is immense. It measuring 188 meters by 156 meters and the height is more than 48 meters. This beautiful historical structure was clad by marble stone and on the upper floor of that about 160 larger than life statue built the arches. The seating capacity of the Colosseum was about 55,000 and to enter this amphitheater there were 80 entrances. This structure was divided into four storied, for seating the women and lower class people the upper story, for prominent citizens the lower story was reserved. Under the ground there were mechanical rooms and wild animals such as tiger, lion’s etc. cages.

With free and violent games the Roman Emperor tried to entertain their citizens and the Colosseum was used for that cause. In the time of games often the Emperor attended there and gave the citizens currency as gifts. The games were the symbol of power and prestige for the Romans. The people also saw here mythology based dramas, re-enactments of various lands. But the most brutal, dangerous things what happened in the Colosseum were the slaughter of the wild animals, among gladiators fight to death and executions as well as the sea battles.

In 2010 the underground pit was opened for the visitors and the 110 feet high upper ring of the seats also. This allows the visitor a panoramic view of the city of Rome. Every year about 6.9 million tourist comes here to visit this wonderful structure.

Roman Forum:

At the time of Roman Empire most of the Roman cities was a huge open place in the center of the cities. This open places was known as the Forum. People of the cities used this forum to go to school, to go to the market places, to do their business, to buy thing and to sell things, to meet their friends and to know and discuss the news. It was a very important 
place in the daily life of cities citizens.

The pavement of the Forum usually made of stones and there were fancy building such as basilicas, shops and of course the temples. For the people use some cities built platform which called the Rostra in the Forum which was usually high from the pavement. People of the cities used this platform to stand and talked to each other. Usually the Forum was 700 yard long with the building.

There are many Forums in the Roman cities such as the Forum in Rome, Forum of Julius Caesar, Forum of Augustus and the Forum of Pompeii etc. the Forum of Rome was the main among all of them. This was the biggest and most important of the Roman Fora. The Forum was divided into two parts and the parts were known as the Fora, together two Fora built a Forum. About 500 BC people started to meet in the Forum and that was the time of the Roman Republic. The senators of the Roman Empire met there in a building and the rich man built the other buildings later gradually. The Forum was much crowded until the Emperor Julius Caesar came in power. For the overcrowded people Julius Caesar built a new Forum just beside the old one and named it as the Forum of Julius Caesar. This Forum also had a temple and other buildings.

Later Emperor Augustus built another Forum near the Julius Caesar Forum. The Forum was the social center of Rome and for Roman Empires other cities for 1,200 years after the establishments of Forum. Every year almost 5.1 million tourist come here to visit this historical place which includes the temple of Saturn, the God of agriculture for Romans, statues of Emperors and other historical buildings.

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