Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Troy: The historical site of Trojan War

By asad russel

About Troy, Canakkale, Turkey
Homer’s Iliad was fiction people assumed that for most of the last 3000 years, and never existed that Troy (in Turkish the Truva). Then at a place in western Turkey called Hisarlik discovered ancient ruins by a British expatriate which named Frank Calvert in 1863, and they were Troy was 1868 showed up the Heinrich Schliemann, for more digging provided money and for discovering Troy took credit.

Over 4000 year which existed Troy is that city and as the center of the ancient civilization was well known. Today under  a sponsored project by the Daimler-Benz back to life the Troy to the Bronze Age bring by an international archaeologist team of German and American, and with Russia and Germany is at law wars another Turkish team the stolen Trojan treasures  to get back.

History of Troy
Between Europe and Asia because of Troy’s strategic location the Troy had a great power in the Bronze Age. Troy was a cultural center in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. From 1100 to 700 BC the city was abandoned after the Trojan War. The Troas region was began to occupy by the Greek settlers about 700 BC, Troy was named as Ilion after resettled. Around the 4th century BC Alexander the Great ruled the area. In 85 BC after Romans captured the Troy, by Roman general Sulla partially it was restored and as New Ilium named. The Troy lost its importance during the Byzantine rule. At Troy there are nine levels, with the early Bronze Age (3000 to 1900 BC) roughly Troy I to V relates. In this period as Trojans its inhabitants known. In the Middle and Late Bronze Age were built the Troy VI and VII. The Hellenistic and to the Roman Ilion (Latin Ilium) belongs to Troy VIII to IX. Many times Troy was destroyed and each time rebuilt.

In the history one of the most famous city is the Troy, remembering the visitors and as well the peoples around the world the Hector, Achaean Greeks and Achilles, the sake of Agamemnon, Priam, Paris and Helen. In every language is written its story, in the poem became figures the Odyssey, Achilles heel and Trojan heroes. On the site of the great heroes stood many important figures of the history from Alexander the Great to Lord Byron. Whether the Trojan War happened or nor people always wondered, or really a wooden horse or not if there was in the Trojan War.

Some information for visitors
The visitor can get thrills just seeing the massive ancient walls around the ruins which climbing and across the Troad gazing towards the hills of the Gallipoli and water of the Dardanelles. Visitor also will surprise to see the massive Mount Ida into the mountains east. There are many ancient ruins in this site and around the surrounding area, so visitors can make a plan to visit this places such as the nearby Bozcaada of Assos, Canakkale, the site of Neandria, the Apollo Smintheon, and Alexandria Troas.

According to the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture every year 515,905 visitors come to this historical place to explore. There are some tours here for the visitors like private car with driver-guide across the Sea of Marmara takes the visitors from Istanbul, the Aegean coast then along and at Pergamum and Ephesus visitors can shopping, and then they relatively will visit the hill village of Sirince, Aphrodisias and Hierapolis/Pamukkale, and then by plane return to Istanbul, the duration of this tour is only 4 days. Around the ANZAC Day especially in April there are other guided tour to Troy and from Istanbul Gallipoli battlefields runs. There are one day tour, overnight tour by rental or bus, and self-guided hiking tour also.

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