Monday, January 12, 2015


Axum Stelae Field: The ancient field of giant granite obelisks

By asad russel – 

The Axum Stelae Field, Ethiopia:
For the giant granite stelae which sometimes called as the obelisks is famed the city of Axum in the Ethiopia of the Ark of the Covenant in addition to being a possible location.

The history of Axum Stelae Field:
Around 300 to 500 AD dating from, the arrival of the Christianity to Ethiopia seem to predate most of the Axum Stelae Field. Almost certainly religious are their purpose, but for the certain are not known the details. For the Axum’s ancient rulers were most likely the funeral monuments the Axum Stelae, in tombs beneath them who may have been buried. Into them at the base with grooves cut some have altars from the sacrifices to carry away the blood.

In the 4th century AD by the royal family Christianity was adopted, and in the 5th century by the population at large, what means of the religious change from a fascinating period these stelae date. After the arrival of the Christianity to be erected continued the Monolithic monuments, and can be found several with the Christian inscriptions.

In 1937 during the occupation of Ethiopia by the troops of Mussolini was looted the second largest of the stelae, and in Rome near the arch of the Constantine in the Piazza di Porta Capenamin stood for decades. In April 2005 from Italy to Axum was finally returned the 160 ton monument. In the three separate pieces in an extra-large plane it was shipped, which cost almost €6 million (about $8 million). By air ever transported it was the heaviest and largest structure, said the transportation company the task who carried out.

What to see at the Axum Stelae Field:
Made from the smooth, grey stone more than 120 stelae contains the Northern Stelae Field. From the single piece of granite the stelae each made of and the height of those about 82 feet. Faces south all the Axum stelae, and so across the sky on its daily journey watch the sun. To look like buildings are made the Axum Stelae and with windows are intricately carved, dividing each story rows of log-ends, and at the base a false door. Through on the short sides of the obelisks are carried these motifs on the face. Also from cross shapes the windows, may be a coincidence or maybe not.

However of the each obelisk the back, near the apex except for one circle carved is completely plain. Grouped together is of four spheres at its center, the group’s outer edge with a fifth sphere touching. Into a semi-circular shape is carved the apex of each Axum Stelae, the heavens which symbolizes. The scholars believe that, engraved inside with an image of the sun a metal plate to the front of these top semi-circles a crescent moon was affixed.

With the sun god related to worship it may be that the Axum Stelae or through these giant monuments from the sky to draw energy down that the ancient worshippers hoped. For sunrise to the Egyptian hieroglyph the image is similar, over the bottom corner of a triangle a semi-circle placed.
Across the ground has fallen and lies shattered the largest obelisk. The tallest upright obelisk stands 82 feet height which returned from the Rome. The Stelae of King Ezana now the second tallest, to the Axum Stelae Field which stand at the entrance. 

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