Saturday, January 3, 2015


Caracol: The Mayan lost city

By asad russel –

About Caracol, Belize:
In the 6th century AD Caracol was flourished and was an important Mayan city, and now in the west central Belize with Guatemala near the border lies in ruins. Until it was discovered in 1938 in the jungle the city was lay hidden which contains dwellings, royal tombs, numerous pyramids and many other structures as well as the Mayan art with the large collection.

The history of Caracol:
In Belize the largest Mayan site is the Caracol, a large area of 88 square kilometers once occupied and of about 140,000 people supported a population. Oxwitza (“three hill water”) was its Mayan name. In Spanish the name Caracol means “snail” and during early explorations found here to the large number of snails refers.

As early as 900 BC occurred the known earliest habitation of Caracol, but  from about 70 AD dates the first known Mayan ritual complexes, when were built the burial of B34 and the Temple of the Wooden Lintel. Around 150 AD to the same site was added another elaborate burial.

In 331 was founded the Caracol royal dynasty, and over the next two centuries the city rose in power. From the 6th to 8th centuries flourished, it rapidly declined after that. The Mayan city of Tikal defeated by the Caracol in 562 and of the region assumed the leadership. In 631, another rival city, Naranjo it went on to defeat. At Caracol on a stele is in 859 was the last date recorded and by 1050 was totally abandoned the city. By the jungle was overtaken the ancient Mayan city and by a woodcutter in 1937 until its rediscovered was forgotten.

In 1952-53 first arrived the archaeologists and preliminary studies was began, but until 1985 did not begin the dedicated archaeological work and the extensive clearing of the jungle, the work began under the university of Central Florida’s two archaeologist Diane Chase and Arlen Chase. In 1998 was opened an on-site museum and still today continues the excavation.

At Caracol what to see:
In the Chiquibil Forest Reserve of the west Belize is located the Caracol, in Guatemala from the Mayan city of Tikal just 47 miles away. As others in the region the site is not extensively cleared the Caracol Archaeological Reserve as designated, but for more wildlife spotting and atmosphere this allows.

Two ball courts and surrounded by pyramids temples three main plazas and many other structures have uncovered the Caracol archaeologist so far. Also have been found over 100 tombs as well as of hieroglyphic inscriptions a rich array, of the lost Mayan city which reveal the history.

There is a hillside complex which known as Caana at Caracol is the most impressive sight, in Maya Canna means “Sky Place”. Above the plaza bellow rising 43.5 meters, three temples and four palaces Caana contains. In the Southern Maya region found so far it is one of the most elaborate complexes. With the white stucco were originally coated the palace and with red paint decorated.

Hidden deep below the Caracol Structure B19 was so far discovered the largest tomb. With white stucco was also coated the tomb chamber and around the center with a thick red line decorated and at one end a large red panel. Recording the date 634 AD is an inscription inside the red panel. An adult female was only the occupant of the chamber, in cloths bundled who had been and by the ceremonial vessels accompanied.

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