After Part – 3
At the Aachen Cathedral what to see:
The Gothic Choir and the Treasure of it –
The Octagon which forces the main altar, known as the Pala d’Oro with a magnificent golden frontal is decorated. From about 1000 AD it dates and of either Heinrich II or Otto III was a gift. With a wooden frame are held together the golden panels and of their original order may be out.
Inside a mandorla which is the almond shaped nimbus enthroned on a beardless Christ centers the Pala d’Oro, a blessing who gives and with one hand holds a cross and in the other holds a book. By figures of St. Michael and Virgin Mary he is flanked and of the Four Evangelists depicting the symbols four small medallions. From the Passion depicts scenes the ten other panels, at the top left with the Triumphal Entry starting and on the bottom right with the Empty Tomb ending.
Nearby of the choir on the right side, the glimmering treasure there is another, the Golden Pulpit which is magnificent. From about 1020 it dates and by Emperor Heinrich II was commissioned. In gold it is covered and with precious objects and jewels studded, the glass bowls of ancient time which includes. The only unusual decorations are not the dishes, from the 6th century AD dating from Egypt six sensuous pagan ivory reliefs there are also.
In the Gothic choir inside glass boxes elevated there are two golden shrines. The Shrine of the Virgin Mary or the Marian Shrine of 1238 to the Octagon the one closest, the Shrine of Charlemagne of 1215 in the back the one.
In 1238 was completed the Shrine of Virgin Mary and of Aachen listed above the Four Great Relics contains. Figures of Christ and Pope Leo III have the end gables, depict the Madonna, front side of Child and Charlemagne on the long sides the gables. The rest of the long sides populate the Twelve Apostles. In low relief from the life of Mary depict scenes the panels on the roof.
In 1215 in Aachen was made the Shrine of Charlemagne and the emperor’s remain in the Treasury kept in reliquaries except for the bits still houses. Between Pope Leo III and Archbishop Turpin of Reims of the imperial court who is the member, Charlemagne is shown enthroned on the front gable. To bless the emperor from a roundel above them emerges the Jesus.
Between Charlemagne and Friedrich II who were in power depict 16 rulers the long side of the shrine and flanked by Michael and archangels Gabriel has the Virgin Mary the other gable. There are the personified virtues of Hope, Charity and Faith above them. From Charlemagne’s life depict scenes the roof reliefs, especially against the Moors his struggle. To the Virgin Mary presenting his Palatine Chapel one shows him.
The visitor also can visit the grave of Emperor Otto III, sculpture of double sided and the Murals of the biblical scenes.
11:44 PM
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