About Al-Bara, Syria:
Among the dead cities of the northern Syria the most extensive is the Al-Bara and to be abandoned one of the last. In the 11th century until the arrival of the Crusaders as a bastion of Eastern Christianity it held out. In the Zawiya Mountains the Al-Bara is located and from Hama about 65 kilometers north and from Aleppo about 80 kilometers southwest.
The history of the Al-Bara:
In the 4th century AD after the humble beginnings, in the area for wine and olive oil production into one of the most important center grew the Al-Bara.
By the fertile and rich land the Al-Bara was surrounded and between the Antioch and Apamea along the north-south trading route was located, in the 7th century shifted the trade routes even after the Al-Bara grew and prospered and were abandoned most other settlements.
The Islamic conquest weathered the Al-Bara and the Byzantine Christian predominantly reminded, the own bishop of its boasting to the Archbishop of Antioch who was subordinate. In the late 11th century of the Latin Crusaders with the occupation in Al-Bara finally came to an end the Eastern Christianity.
In 1098 at Majarat an-Nujaman on the horrible cannibalistic episode that the Crusaders embarked it was from the Al-Bara. Led by the de Saint Gilles by the crusaders it was conquered. By the Muslims the town was reconquered, a small fortress who built in 1123. Out of the area were driven out the crusaders by 1125 and under the Muslim control the Al-Bara came. In the late 12th century the Al-Bara was finally abandoned, because of a major earthquake perhaps.
Later near the site of the ancient town with the same name arose a modern village in the beginning of the 20th century and to the size of a small town it has grown till today.
At the Al-Bara what to see:
Through the site of the Al-Bara there is no obvious route and with trees and undergrowth is densely covered the land. Here still fertile is the land, and for apricots, grapes and olives are still worked among the stones some small plots.
6 square kilometers covers the ruins of the Al-Bara and with three monasteries, numerous number of large villas and the Byzantine churches as many as a dozen the Al-Bara incorporate. Today amongst the ruins still can be seen five churches.
A pair of pyramid tombs are the most striking structures, apart about 200 meters standing. These are the monumental tombs, with the carved acanthus leaves which are decorated, for this old city to the one time wealth testify. Five decorated and sealed sarcophagi still houses the large pyramid.
Past the pyramid tombs structures continuing south, with a well-preserved large monastery and with three arches there is an underground tomb.
Few words:
The Al-Bara site is a sacred destination. It’s an ancient ruin site. If you want to visit this ancient cite you can lodge in the Savon Hotel, Buyuk Antakya Oteli, Narin Hotel, Cankaya Konaklari Hotel, The Liwan Hotel and Grand De-Liban Hotel etc.
8:55 PM
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