Monday, February 9, 2015


The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

By Asad Russel –

About the Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia:
In Mecca, Saudi Arabia of al-Haram Mosque within the courtyard a small building is the Kaaba also spelled al-Ka’bah in Arabic. In Islam the holiest site is the Kaaba, around it and because of it was built the Haram Mosque. During prayer the direction Muslim faces the Qibla, facing the Kaaba is the direction.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

The mysterious Black Stone hoses the Kaaba, as well in pre-Islamic times in Mecca which was revered. In the time of Prophet Muhammad it became a Muslim relic and try to stop pilgrims to Mecca and during the hajj while circumambulating the Kaaba kiss it.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

The history of the Kaaba:
To reflect a house in the heaven on earth a place of worship God ordained according to the Islamic belief. Adam the first man Muslim believe that, to build such a place of worship was the first one. By the Prophet Ibrahim (the Abraham) and his son Prophet Ismail (the Ishmael) was built the Kaaba that stands today, according to the Quran.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

Certainly predates Islam the Kaaba according to the archaeologist. By the tribes ruling the Mecca several times it was rebuilt, to house sacred objects who used it which includes the Black Stone too, and to the Arabian tribal gods as a shrine.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

The tribe of Prophet Muhammad the Quraysh at the time of Prophet Muhammad of the Kaaba was in charge. To worship and to trade to the Kaaba would join the annual pilgrimage the desert tribesmen, the inhabitants of the other cities and the Bedouins. During the rest of the year Caravan raiding was common, during the pilgrimage was suspended, for travel and trade making it a good time.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

Preaching the Day of Judgment and monotheism the Prophet Muhammad and in Mecca faced mounting opposition. Persecuted and harassed him the Quraysh and in 622 CE to Medina eventually migrated he and his followers. As conquerors returned to Mecca Prophet Muhammad and his followers and as an Islamic house of worship rededicated the Kaaba. Henceforth, was to be a Muslim rite the Hajj the traditional annual pilgrimage.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

With alternating course of wood and stone rebuilt the Kaaba the Quraysh tribe after the Prophet Muhammad’s victory. Into two rooms the inner space was divided, the Black Stone one of which housed. From Yemen with the habrat cloth was covered the exterior.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

During Prophet Muhammad’s youth the Kaaba was rebuilt says that the early Islamic chroniclers, and among the Quraysh the ruling clan of Mecca some connection there was that of raising the Black Stone as to who should have the honor in the new structure to its place. Then to have suggested Prophet Muhammad said that, on a clock the Stone be placed and that jointly lift the clock the various clan heads and into place put the Stone.

The Kaaba: The holiest site in Islam (Part – 1)

Between the Umayyad Caliph Muawiyah and Ibn Zubayr of Mecca during the conflict, on fire was set the Kaaba and into three pieces was broke the Black Stone. By Ibn Zubayr with silver were reassembled its part, in stone the rebuilding of Kaaba who also ordered and believed to be set by Abraham in accordance with the original dimensions, and around it paved the open space. Two doors and for roof access a wooden staircase had the Kaaba at this time. 

Will Continue……..

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