Sunday, March 8, 2015


Mezquita de Cordoba: Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

By Asad Russel –

After Part – 1
At the Mezquita de Cordoba what to see:
For the giant arches is most notable the Mezquita de Cordoba and of granite, marble, onyx and jasper of over 856 (the original 1,293) its forest. From the Roman temple these were taken the site and other Roman building which were destroyed occupied what had previously.

Mezquita de Cordoba Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

Richly glided prayer niches also features the Mezquita de Cordoba. But the mihrab is certainly the most interesting feature of the Mezquita de Cordoba, built by Al Hakim II (from 961 to 976) of Byzantine mosaics a domed shrine. The Quran and of Muhammad the relics it once housed. There is the Maksoureh in front of the Mihrab, for the caliph and his court a kind of anteroom, a masterpiece of Islamic art its plasterwork and mosaics.

Mezquita de Cordoba Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

Although with the rest of the mosque it does not fit in, an impressive sight is the 16th century Baroque choir, with a ceiling of intricate and the 18th century choir stall which richly carved. There is the Courtyard of the Orange Tree (the Patio de los Naranjos) outside the Mezquita de Cordoba, with orange blossoms is perfumed which in springtime and a beautiful fountain has also. The Torre del Alminar to prayer to summon the faithful once used the minaret, it has a Baroque belfry also. To catch a panoramic view of the Cordoba and the surroundings of the Mezquita de Cordoba to the top hardly travelers can climb.

Mezquita de Cordoba Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

At the south end of the central nave created a new mihrab of the prayer hall lengthened the naves the Al Hakim a century earlier like the ABD ar-Rahman II. In front of the mihrab the bay immediately and from the maksura the bays to each side, where would have prayed the caliphs and their retinues the area. Into the shape of a scallop shell was sculpted a single block of white marble inside the mihrab, from the Quran a symbol. Throughout the mosque which amplified the voice of the imam this formed the dome.

Mezquita de Cordoba Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

Within and around the maksura the arches are the most sophisticated and intricate of the Mezquita de Cordoba, of interwoven horseshoe shapes forming a forest, and of the structure to form the strongest elements are subtly interwoven these ingenious curves. But only physically functional they were not, with their lavish decorations to seduce the eye of the worshipers to the mihrab leading it up were their purpose, of prayer to focus and to heaven the symbolic doorway. Over the maksura there are the skylit domes which are equally attractive, with stone vaulting what are star patterned decorated. By four interlocking pairs of parallel ribs was held up each dome, in the 10th century Europe a highly advanced technique.

Mezquita de Cordoba Stunning architectural masterpiece in Cordoba (Part – 2)

The portal of the mihrab itself the extension was the greatest glory of the Al Hakim II, known as an alfiz with a rectangular surround a crescent arch, by a blind arcade surmounted. Include a 17th century jasper and in the Capilla Mayor retable red marble are the subsequent additions.    

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