Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

By Asad Russel – 

About the Bosra, Syria:
From the Damascus about 108 kilometers or 67 miles south an ancient city is the Bosra which also known as the Bozrah or as the Bostra, in Arabic it is the Busra ash-Sham. For the Roman province in Arabia once was the capital city, to the Mecca on the route of the ancient caravan a stopover which was important was the Bosra.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

The Roman Theater of the Bosra which is well preserved superbly among the features is the most impressive, the stage buildings which is tall complete. And the Christian ruins of early period there are also and within the great walls of this city to be found many old mosques.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

The history of the Bosra:
A Nabataean city is the Bosra originally, by the Trajan who was a Roman emperor was conquered the Bosra and for the Roman province in Arabia the capital made it. East from the Jordan River as a key fortress for the Roman this city served. Under the Roman emperor Philip of this city who was the native the title metropolis achieved eventually this city.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

In the early period of the 4th century a Christian bishopric was became the Bosra and still today can be seen for the early churches of two the ruins. In 634 to 635 to the Muslims fell this city, from this period can be seen for the ancient mosques the ruins. In the trade routes at the crossroads this city was situated as, to the Mecca and Medina heading for the Muslim pilgrims a stop-off point was the Bosra.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

In the 12 century captured the Bosra the Crusaders but to hold this city they failed. The earthquakes with the misrule of Turkish together declining this ancient city hastened.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

At the Bosra what to see:
Over the modern site there are remains of the monumental theaters, temples, aqueducts, churches, triumphal arches, mosques, reservoirs and a citadel of 13 century which stretch.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

For the reason of Roman theater was became famous the Bosra in the 2nd century AD which was built and almost up to 15,000 people could seat there. Carefully were designed the acoustics because of that the actors could hear in the seats of cheap even those people. The depth of the stage was 8 meters and the width was about 45 meters.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

With the marble was faced the theater and hangings in silk draped in the heyday of its, and in the heart of the desert to keep the audience comfortable over the patrons was sprayed of perfumed water a fine mist during the time of performance. For the gladiatorial shows or for the circuses have been used may be of the stage in front a large area.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 1)

During the periods of Abbasid and Omayyad around the theater was built a fortress, of the preservation the excellent state of it’s which accounts. Into the hillside which were built the Roman theaters many other unlike, is freestanding the theater of the Bosra. At the Bosra there are some other Roman sites and ruins which are the some finely decorated Corinthian columns, Roman baths and the monumental gets.

Will Continue……..      

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