Thursday, April 16, 2015


Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

By Asad Russel – 

After Part – 1
At the Bosra what to see:
Today the theater still envelopes the wall of the 13th century. All the doors they blocked immediately the Bosra conquered when the Arabs and with the thick walls of the ancient theater opening, into a citadel transforming it. but these defenses inadequate of the early rendered by the Crusaders posed the news threats, so were built three towers in the mid-11th century from the Roman building jutting out, between the 1202 and 1251 followed bigger ones of nine other.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

To the decumanus before coming the southern baths runs alongside with the ancient pavement a narrow road from the theater, which known as the Bab al Kandil or the Gate of the Lantern a triple arch near. For the Third Cyrenaica Legion in honor in the 3rd century it was built. To the city the western entrance marks an archway of double storied as the Bab al Hawa or the Gate of the Wind which known.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

The decumanus along turning right, of slender columns a group one encounters. To the street at an angle set the first four, of a Nymphaeun to the remains are believed. 25 meters apart two columns of the street on the other side, by a rich entablature to the neighboring wall is joined one of which, of a kalybea a part to have been are said, to this region which is unique a religious building.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

By an archway was marked to the town the eastern exit, to the west the Gate of the Wind unlike, from the first century to date is said, the period of the Nabatean. In Jordan outside the Petra this s the Nabatean gateway which is only known.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

Built in 512 of the Bacchus and Leontus Cathedral, Sts. Sergius Cathedral there are the ruins on the left of the Nabatean gate outside. Ground plan of a square to be built the domed building it was the first. For the Hagia Sophia inspiration of the Emperor Justianian to have been is said the cathedral.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

There is a 3rd or 4th century basilica of the cathedral to the north about 30 meters up to roof level are intact whose walls. Between the Prophet Mohammad and Bahira for the famous encounter this is the site. 12 years of age when was the Prophet Mohammad to have met is said who was a Nestorian Christian monk was the Bahira. The seal of prophecy he noticed and a great future would have the Prophet foretold that.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

As a pegan temple began of the town in the center the Mosque of Omar. Its original facades to preserve from the early period of Islamic surviving it is the only mosque, and remain in place all of its columns. In Nabatean, Greek or Latin the inscriptions many bear. From the 12th century dates the square minaret of its which is fine.

Bosra: The ancient capital city ruins for the Roman province of Arabia (Part – 2)

In Bosra there are also the al Khidr Mosque which has 12 meter high minarets above the mihrab in the plaster can be seen the Arabic inscriptions, the al Mabrak Mosque to Bosra by the Prophet Mohammed a visit which recalls, thousands of graves, enormous cistern which is 120 meters by 150 meter ever built by the Romans one of the largest and the Manjak Hammam of the Mamluk architecture and in Bosra to be built the last Islamic    

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