Monday, April 20, 2015


Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

By Asad Russel – 

About Kairaouine Mosque, Fes, Morocco:
In Casablanca the new Hassan II Mosque after in Morocco at the Fes the second largest mosque is the Kairaouine Mosque or the Dejemaa el Kairaouine and as the oldest university of the world for its money a run in Cairo gives the Al-Azhar. From the 956 dates its minaret and in Fes among the Islamic monument is the oldest. In Morocco is the holiest mosque is also the Kairaouine Mosque and across the country of all Islamic festivals the timing governs. To enter the mosque are not permitted the non-Muslims.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

The history of the Kairaouine Mosque:
By the Fatima al-Fihri from the Kairouan which is a holy city in Tunisia of a wealthy refugee the daughter in 857 was founded the Kairaouine Mosque. From their father a great deal of money inherited Fatima and Mariam, her sister, in Fes for the Tunisian community on a suitable mosque all of it to spend Fatima vowed.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

However, of the mosque the present form, under Abd Er Rahman III a reconstruction of 10th century, of Cordoba who was the Caliph, and under the Almoravids another reconstruction of 12th century the result is mostly.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

At the Kairaouine Mosque what to see:
To enter the Kairaouine Mosque are not permitted the non-Muslims, but in through the gates peering to tourists to object nobody seems. For the exterior a good view to get as difficult it is nearly, of surrounding shops and houses due to the crowding. From the Medersa el Attarin on the roof can be had of the Kairaouine Mosque the possible best view, to the public only sometimes which is open but to let you in to persuade the guardian you may be able.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

Two minarets has the Kairaouine Mosque, the Burj an-Naffara or Trumpeter’s Tower and the original one. In Fes the oldest Islamic monument is the original minaret from the 956 which dating. Height-width ration of the usual 5:1 it departs and than most is thinner slightly. To the Medersa el Attarin near the entrance from the Bab Wouroud can be glimpsed which the courtyard or the sahn, in the 16th century by the Saadians added of magnificent pavilions contains a pair. In the palace of the Granada’s Alhambra on the Court of the Lions modeled, by the Spanish craftsmen have been constructed they may.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

There is a large fountain of the courtyard in the center, and two smaller there are too, at each side under the porticoes the 17th century ones, at Granada in the Alhambra based on fountains. The mains prayer hall as serves the courtyard, the main entrance directly opposite its own mihrab it has. With the Kufic inscriptions, the stars of sic pointed dominant zellij motif from the Kairaouine and with the hexagrams decorated a cedarwood screen there is in the behind of the mihrab.

Kairaouine Mosque: The ancient and second largest mosque of Morocco

From the non-Muslims from the view hidden the cedarwood screen beyond, of the mosque there is the main prayer hall. In Spain by the Mezquita of Cordoba was much inspired of the Kairaouine Mosque the layout. From the 956 dating of the round arches upon row with row is filled the Kairaouine Mosque. But than the Mezquita and important mosques of other much more austere is the interior, candy cane stripes instead of are painted white the arches, unadorned and simple is the ceiling, and instead of lush carpets in simple reed mats is covered the floor.

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