Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

By Asad Russel – 

About the Sedlec Ossuary, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic:
A Christian chapel which is small is the Sedlec Ossuary or the Kostnice Sedlec, in Sedlec the Church of All Saints or the Hrbitovni Kostel Vsech Svatych beneath is located in the Czech Republic of the Kutna Hora a suburb.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

Of eh ‘Bone Church’ the ossuary, as it is known properly around the world, the skeletons of approximately 40,000 human contains the decoration to form and for the chapel the furnishings artistically what have been arranged nicely.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

The history of the Sedlec Ossuary:
In Sedlec for the Cistercian monastery the abbot who was the Henry, in 1278 by the King of Bohemia the Otakar II to the Holy Land was sent. From the Golgotha of earth a small amount with him he brought when he returned from the Holy Land, were was crucified the Christ, and over the cemetery of abbey sprinkled it.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

Soon spread in the Sedlec from the Holy Land for the earth the presence and throughout the Central Europe for the faithful people a burial site which was highly desirable became the cemetery. In the mid-century of 14th during the period of Black Death and in the early of the 15th century after the Hussite Wars, there were buried more than thousands of people and enlarged greatly had to be the cemetery.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

Of the cemetery in the center was built the Church of All Sanits which is a Gothic church in the 1400. The upper level which was vaulted it had and during the construction unearthed for the mass graves as n ossuary to be used the lower chapel.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

The skeletons for exhuming the task after the 1511 and was in the chapel their bones stacking, which said the legends, of the order to a monk of half-blind was given. The front wall to support was constructed again a new entrance between the period of 1703 and 1710, the outward was leaning what and was rebuilt the chapel of upper one. In the style of Czech Baroque this work, by the Jan Santini Aichel was designed. Into order the boneheaps to put by the family of Schwarzenberg was employed a woodcarver the Frantisek Rint in 1870. For themselves speak of his working efforts the result.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

At the Sedlec Ossuary what to see:
In the chapel the corners occupies mounds of bones which is enormous bell shaped of four. The vaults draping of the skulls with the garlands of the nave from the center hangs a chandelier of bones which is enormous too.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

The altar flanking which includes the monstrances and piers in the other works, a coat of arm of Schwarzenberg what is large includes of a human skull at the socket of eye pecking a skeleton of a bird, and of the Master Rint the signature, in the bone executed also, near the entrance on the wall.

Sedlec Ossuary: The chapel of human skeleton

In Portugal at the Evora the Capella dos Ossos or the Bone Chapel and in Sicily at the Parlermo the Catacombe dei Cappuccini are the other chapels in other places which includes the same type of ossuary.      

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